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Assistant Professor, Dr.  William  Peters

Department of English Education

Office 30230  (2nd  floor  Education  Building)

Office Hours by  appointment

Telephone (office): 042-629-7413

Phone (mobile): 010-9559-7133

Kakao Talk: ID  william  (Mobile Texting App, available  on Android  and  iOS)


Welcome to Intermediate Composition. I am excited to be spending this semester with each of you. I believe this is going to be a great semester for all of us. I hope to share my passion for reading, writing, and thinking critically with you, so that you will see the benefit of these skills to your current university career, your future career, and to your life as a citizen of the world. Please do not think of this class as simply a requirement to fulfill or work to do.




Students develop the ability to compose (i.e., comprehend, select, plan, and draft) and produce lengthier texts on diverse general education academic topics by applying appropriate writing strategies.






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